MORNİNG! instagram @barbiestyle que Follows. mostra a Barbie instagramer em diversas situações, e foi lá que descobri que a boneca está vivendo o isolamento social.

It is interesting to meet the best performance in Barbie's career while watching a movie called "All Good Things" by passing our cinemas and watching a movie called "Beautiful Days" without waiting for much.
More Supporters means new ones!
Hey all you new people to this Barbie. You are probably not familiar with this but I need this petition about the old Barbie movie dolls reproduction to happen. So far I have 40 supporters which is great. I will try to repost this every once in a while for new signers. But we will have to get to a thousand signers more quickly. The 20th anniversary for Barbie in the nutcracker is only 1 year away and these reproductions need to be brought out. So new people sign this petition.