Do you think the mask makes you itchy, unnecessary and ugly? Think again. Because you have to learn to live with a mask for a long time. However, you can also look beautiful and attractive with a mask.

Masks made of colorful fabric maybe look magnificent with your sheer dresses made of the same fabric. You can also look more beautiful with a pronounced eye makeup. Make-up experts say that the eyes will attract a lot of attention on a face where the nose and mouth are completely closed, and therefore it is important to use mascara and eyeliner in eye makeup. You can also have an attractive look with the eyelids shaded in the color you want.
British fashion designer Sarah Rainey explained ways to use the mask more comfortably, full of style and wisely.
It is also possible to look attractive with a mask. Masks made of colorful fabrics suitable for your clothes and made of rubber that do not hurt the ears will be just right for your style. While you are protected against the corona virus, you will also feel beautiful and attractive.
Rainey says that you can easily make masks from fabrics if your ears are uncomfortable, and you can button them with only 2 buttons from the back. Again, you can buy such masks cheaply from online sites.
Tory Burch, the designer who started the #wearADamnMask campaign, cannot raise masks for Hollywood celebrities. Stars like Natalie Portmand, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Reese Witherspoon, Cara Delevingne, Charlize Theron and Ben Affleck also challenge the corona virus on social media with their masks made from social media, styrene linen, denim and tie-dye fabrics.
Jennifer Aniston recently called her 35 million Instagram followers with Burch's sickly; He gave the message "Wear a mask for your health".
Some mask users say they feel better by dropping lavender, essential oil, rosemary or similar oils on the masks. So you'll be able to cope with stress and anxiety with a spa-like experience. In the Middle Ages, such herbs were put into the masks with strange beaks worn during the plague epidemic, and especially the doctors using these masks were breathing more spacious.
Experts say that you should never carry the mask in your hand when you are not wearing it, or put it on a table or bag. Instead, you can put it in a clean paper bag or sandwich bag.
The cloth masks used must be washed with white soap at 60 degrees for another use.
In addition to inexpensive masks made of jeans or regular fabrics, there are also masks decorated with Swarovski crystals by the costume designer Michael Ngo of actress and singer Jennifer Lopez. In addition to 3D masks, masks specially designed for brides are also quite expensive.