To be a better you, you need to understand who you are and how you got to where you are today. Use this exercise as an opportunity to reflect on these issues and get to know yourself a little better. Take some time for it and add personal events and career-related events that have somehow impacted you on the lifeline chart.

Operating Instructions
1. When preparing the LifeLine chart, consider other events, such as graduation, marriage, deaths, job changes, as well as other experiences: for example, achievements, crises you encounter, fears you overcome, postures and lessons you take.
2. Place dots on the upper or lower sections of the horizontal line, corresponding to the feeling intensity you experience in each event or experience.
Once you have identified the events and experiences that have shaped you, draw a line connecting these points. Decorate your lifeline by adding notes and drawing pictures as you wish or by other means...
Equip your lifeline in any way that makes you think it's more personal.