How do we know that a beauty product is completely sustainable and ethical?

Sustainable or ethical beauty is no longer far from us. We have heard these terms quite often in recent years. While the sustainable and environmentally friendly impact in fashion is reflected in the beauty industry, many brands have become more transparent about their production processes and more sensitive to the materials they choose. However, labels such as 'vegan', 'sustainable' or 'green' on beauty products can sometimes be misleading. It takes hours of research to find out whether a product is truly "environmentally-friendly" as it says on it. While some brands stick these 'green' labels to truly sustainable or unethical products with the so-called 'greenwashin' trend, luckily there are also truly eco-friendly and ethical beauty brands!
If you want to be a more sensitive consumer and contribute to the environment, you can turn to environmentally-friendly and zero-waste beauty brands. You may be wondering what the 'sustainable' and 'ethical' beauty brands advocate and how they produce. In order to be a more conscious consumer, you can examine the features of sustainable and ethical beauty brands and their difference from other brands below.
There are many explanations for this, and therefore there can be confusion. The use of these concepts is often not included in legal regulations, so brands can use the "sustainable" or "ethical" concepts as they wish. A brand can claim to be ethical or sustainable, but it can be just a marketing or 'greenwashing' method! The important thing is to determine what you're looking for. There are many factors that make a brand ethical and sustainable, but what is most important to you?
This may be the biggest and most important question! The list of things to make a product or brand ethical and sustainable can take pages. First of all, we should know that no product or beauty brand is 'perfect'. We should mention that there is a wide spectrum on this subject. The best thing you can do is find beauty brands that strive to make the world a better place. And believe us, there are many brands like this! First of all, for a product to be sustainable and ethical, its ingredients must be cruelty-free, non-toxic, vegan and palm oil-free. In addition, the brand itself must maintain ethical resources, thoughtful packaging, resource and waste regulation, and donation systems.